Saturday, March 27, 2004

Have you any dreams you'd like to tell?

I'm not a big fan of "dream interpretation," because I think the dreams we have must be interpreted according to our own personalities, life experiences, and fears. But I do think dreams tell us things about what is going on in our subconscious. Remember the scene from the film Annie Hall , where she had just gone to a shrink for the first time? She's telling Alvie about the dream she related to the therapist: "I was being suffocated by Frank Sinatra." "What did he say about that?" "He said that your last name is Singer."

I usually remember the dreams I have early in the morning, but I don't remember them later in the day unless I tell somebody about them or do something else to cement the memory of the dream. I had two strange dreams last night that made an impression on me, and I told my husband about them first thing because I wanted to remember them.

In the first dream, DH and I stole a bunch of lumber and fabric to make a canopy for our bed. It was a lovely canopy, but I was overcome by guilt and went and confessed to the person I needed to tell, and then paid them for the materials. I did this RIGHT BEFORE he was going to call the police and set them upon us. We had to pay for the canopy, but we didn't go to jail.

In the second dream, DH had an additional wife. We are Mormon, so the second wife thing probably has some relationship to this (insert disclaimer here about plural marriage, blah, blah, blah we haven't done this since 1904, blah, blah, blah.) In my dream, I knew her, but I don't REALLY know her. They were preparing to go spend the day at the temple. In my dream, I wondered about the nature of their relationship. Did he enjoy sex with her? Did he love her as deeply as he loved me? Did he treat her the same way? In my dream, he was very remote and uncomfortable when present with both of us, which probably is what caused me to wonder (in my dream) what were the qualities of his relationship with her.

I have some ideas about what these dreams may mean to me, which I will keep to myself, because I could be completely wrong. If any of you want to comment, tell me how you see your dreams. Do you get insights? Do they ever frighten you? No need to share the dreams unless you REALLY want to.


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