I'm starting to get back to normal after my trip to Ohio. Spending a week in the office, and staying with the parentals (minus one, 'cause she's in the rehab hospital) is a very different way of life. I have lots of coworkers to interface with and customers to keep happy and software to install all day, then off to the hospital to see Mom and then home to have dinner out with Dad. Surf the web for an hour/talk to DH and Little Boy (order varies) then go to bed.
Once I got home, it was a challenge to get back into the normal routine, especially since the first two days home were very not-normal - Jazzfest on Day Back Home One, and then drive to Baton Rouge to get my car on Day Back Home Two. It was Wednesday before I planned meals, and then Thursday lunch before I went grocery shopping. I've cooked two whole days in a row now, though, and I'm starting to get back into life's normal rhythm.
In other news, I'm occasionally blogging on Mormon stuff now at Viva Ned Flanders! Ned is a great guy and I'm honored that he's willing to share his space with me.
Once I got home, it was a challenge to get back into the normal routine, especially since the first two days home were very not-normal - Jazzfest on Day Back Home One, and then drive to Baton Rouge to get my car on Day Back Home Two. It was Wednesday before I planned meals, and then Thursday lunch before I went grocery shopping. I've cooked two whole days in a row now, though, and I'm starting to get back into life's normal rhythm.
In other news, I'm occasionally blogging on Mormon stuff now at Viva Ned Flanders! Ned is a great guy and I'm honored that he's willing to share his space with me.
whats the progress report on your mom ?
Mom has MRSA. They moved her to a private room, but she had an episode with her breathing late Friday evening; she was moved from rehab to the regular hospital and they're keeping her there for observation.
My daughter, on the scene, suspects that she is having an allergic reaction to clindamycin, but that they are treating the allergic reaction because there is simply no other choice with the treatment.
She was showing such excellent progress in rehab; there was talk of her going home as soon as Friday (though more likely a week from Friday). This is probably a significant setback.
Her speech is still impaired, but speech therapy is working on it. She is able to eat well; I think they'll be going from purees to solids pretty soon, once she gets back to rehab.
I hope she doesn't get anymore set backs and that she gets to go home soon.
staph infections are rough, especially in the lungs. hope the meds work and she can regain her strength. hope your daughter takes precautions not to get or take home the infection. dont mean to scare you but, she should be carefull.
is your mom taking vitamins to build up her general health ?
Mom isn't taking anything solid, except pureed foods. They haven't given her anything solid to swallow, like pills. She's still getting most of her food through a feeding tube in her stomach.
Oh, mom. Sorry.
Ann, did you do a post on LDSLF where I offended you, are you that Ann?
I'm adding this to my blogroll, just as soon as I figure out how to do it :)
Ann, yes I am that Ann, but no I am not. Because I did a post on LDSLF, and we disagreed, but you did not offend me. I can't afford to be offended by the only other person in the Bloggernacle over 40.
LOL, why not? I've pretty much offended everyone at least once. It's how I make friends. It works better than if people think I'm nice.
People I've offended have no expectations. People who think they love me and I'm a saint, are so disappointed when they find out I'm not, that they hate me and won't forgive me.
Much easier to be forgiven first. Then they think, "oh that's just her being a bad word as usual."
I love the name Ann, or Anne, it's my favorite. Not my real name, which I hate. If I ever run away from home, I'm becoming Anne for real though.
Ann, do you still consider yourself a new order Mormon?
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