Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Holding up my end

I got lost in the internet today. I had done a google search yesterday on "gay agenda" and found a great entry in the blog "Just Write." I went there (it's linked) and started reading and lost an hour or so. Tonight, I was reading A Penny For... and wandered into Worthwhile (linked) and Fast Company (linked). I did do some stuff for the French version of the GED, but truth be told, I accomplished little.

As I was wandering back to take a shower this morning, I gave some thought to what I contribute here at home. And it ain't much. In the almost-seven years we've been married, I've only worked full time for about three; the rest of the time has been part-time or (the last six months) unemployed entirely. And for none of those three years did I actually go to a workplace for an eight hour day, every day, five days per week. I worked at home some of the time, and did a consulting gig for a couple of years where my only commute was to the office in my basement or living room.

I'll be glad to be working next week (and the week after), even if it's a difficult job with severe yuckiness (diapers...shudder...) and lousy pay. Because I need to do a better job holding up my end.


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