Monday, February 20, 2006

Extended Family Again

I'm visiting the extended family again and working at the office with all the other folks. I got here Saturday. I spent many hours in the Memphis airport, where my connecting flight was cancelled. I yelled at the TV when they replayed George W. Bush's weekly radio broadcast, where he used over and over again the word "nucular." After about the third time, I proclaimed, to the chagrin of the 50ish Baptists about five feet away, "IT'S NU-CLEE-AR."

I saw my daughter and her family yesterday. We had a nice dinner out, and the kids are still just wonderful. My grandson actually spoke briefly to me - he doesn't know me well, and doesn't seem to like me much, but when we left he gave me a hug and said, "Bye, Nana!" Of course, my granddaughter is a genius and beautiful and thrives on attention.

I enjoyed working in the office today. I brought King Cakes with me, and many beads. King Cake #1 was finished up, but #2 will wait until tomorrow. Good stuff.

I'm detaching somewhat from the DAMU boards a bit. I had an overblown reaction to an incident there, and decided that these things are WAY too important to me. I will have to find other ways to write. I'm still reading, but they will do just fine without my brilliant ideas. And I'll have to find different things to have brilliant ideas about.


Blogger Trail Seeker said...

Hi Ann,

It looks we will be only a couple of hours driving time apart this week. It sure would be nice to meet, but unfortionately i am not going to be on a pleasure trip.

Take care, TS

2/21/2006 12:27:00 AM  
Blogger Hope said...

If you stay away from the boards I will miss your wisdom! I don't comment too much, but I do read them a lot. I have a goal to find some new internet fora that are not Mormon- based. Maybe we can search together.

I joined a LiveJournal community for diabetes, but it's not too active.

I need something lively to keep me "social" well, pseudo-social, as if internet, well there are real people, well it's all in writing, well, I've met some IRL, well....Maybe there is an internet forum for people who need to meet more people in real life and get off the internet!

2/21/2006 09:16:00 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Grandma? OMG, I thought I was the old one.

2/21/2006 09:56:00 AM  
Blogger Phoebe said...

Hi! I quit the DAMU today too! Looking forward to spending more time with my nucular family :) and real, scary people.

2/21/2006 06:01:00 PM  
Blogger Randy said...

Yeah, I'm in the quitting process myself. Too much else going on.

2/22/2006 11:10:00 AM  

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