Friday, July 02, 2004

School's going to have to wait for a while

I had been thinking that perhaps I should just bite the bullet and go to school full-time in the fall. I haven't been putting much effort into my job search, because I've enjoyed school so much (and it's kept me so busy). I had thought it might be good to jump in with both feet and just "do it."

But yesterday I did the numbers (as they say on American Public Media's Marketplace. And they aren't good. So, today I'm redoubling my job search efforts. I guess I'll just finish up my certificate and take some night classes for a couple of years until the money situation is in better shape.

It's disappointing, but I like to think I'm being practical.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your job search. Finding a job can be hard work but once you've found it you'll feel so much satisfaction. I had a calling for a time as ward employment specialist and it wasn't always easy to find jobs for people! But I found those who had the most initiative and who really wanted to find a job eventually would find something that worked for them -- though it often required persistence. From what you're writing, it definitely sounds like you're part of that category of people who have initiative.

Try to find your way to the person who does the selection and hiring if you can, just to meet them and let them know how interested you are in the job. So often I hear of employers who get a huge stack of resumes but have trouble associating a face with the paper. Some companies build up administration that prevents this kind of contact -- but a little legwork sometimes goes a long way.

Lastly, I would say just be prayerful. God can make things happen for us when we may think we have hit a dead end. I had a frustrating job search just before getting married. I briefly quit looking out of frustration and suddenly got a call on a resume I had submitted months previous. That's the job I am working in now. What helped was that I had some unusual experiences living abroad that I shared on the resume and the interviewer said it simply stuck out of the pile as more interesting than the others. Sometimes a hiring happens almost on the employer's whim.

Good luck!


7/07/2004 08:58:00 AM  
Blogger Kim Siever said...

If I wasn't employed at the University of Lethbridge and getting tuition for free, I wouldn't be completing my B.A.

7/07/2004 09:50:00 AM  

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