Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Interview Today

I had an interview today with a Big Regional Bank. It went very well, and I have a second interview in the a.m. It's for a level 1 help desk job; the type of work where I can step in and be productive immediately. The pay is very good. The benefits are top notch.

I am trying really, really hard not to get my hopes up.


Blogger Phoebe said...

I am really, really trying hard to picture the interviewers sitting in their underwear.

10/20/2004 09:12:00 PM  
Blogger Randy said...

Best of luck, and make sure you get that ward member who works there to put in a good word for you!

10/21/2004 07:07:00 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Only the old fat hairy guy in his underwear - the one that will be your direct boss.

10/21/2004 09:29:00 AM  
Blogger Ms-Chievous said...

What's the scoop?

10/21/2004 12:06:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

The ward member who works there had mentioned that the woman who was supervisor was kind of moody. And I think I saw evidence of this today.

We did a brief "here's the job" thing, and she asked if I wanted to sit in with one of the reps. Of course! I did, and it was very informative and a load of fun. I think she could see how much I enjoyed it, because she was very upbeat and informative for the next section of the interview, where she talked about how the job worked.

Then, the fire alarm went off. I followed her as we evacuated (it's a secure building, and I'm not supposed to be unattended). We got back upstairs very quickly, and somebody didn't log out, which was a problem because the calls kept queueing up. So she went from being all positive and friendly to detached and wary.

I dunno what to think. She has another interview tomorrow. She'll either make a decision or come up with a short list after that. I should know something by the first of next week.

10/21/2004 01:10:00 PM  
Blogger Phoebe said...

Geez, maybe she subconsciously underwent classical conditioning; she will always associate you with the fire alarm; next time she sees you she will feel anxiety and an urge to run out to the fire escape.

Once during an interview I had, a teacher fell off a chair in a classroom, and the paramedics came with a stretcher to take her away. My interviewer was more than distracted, but it probably helped because I got the job.

10/21/2004 01:49:00 PM  
Blogger Trail Seeker said...

Hoping you get the job!

10/21/2004 03:13:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Just thought to add here...going down eight flights of stairs during the fire drill has left my knees in a lot of pain tonight. Grrr...

10/21/2004 07:49:00 PM  

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