Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Day off, already

Yesterday morning, I got an e-mail from my husband that the little boy was sick at school (vomiting; "Come get him, please!"). Fortunately, the secretary takes her daughter to the same babysitter, so the babysitter was able to come pick him up.

DH and I determined that if he had a fever, we would head home after his 1:00 lab. He did have a fever. So, I had to leave work. He still had a fever last night, so I had to call off today. They seemed OK about it. DH and I had decided that if little boy was still sick, DH would take tomorrow off, because he just has one class. But it looks like little boy is much, much better, with no sign of a fever. Actually, he's bouncing off the walls. So tomorrow will be a normal day.

Thursday is a holiday, so I get the day off.

A dear friend from Texas just stopped in on her way through to Jacksonville, Florida. She's moving with her daughter, and just bought a lovely house there. She's a widow; her sister lives there, and her daughter is the only one still in school, so they decided to go for it. It was great to see her again.


Blogger Phoebe said...

Nice place you work for. It's always a blessing when the boss understands about kids.

11/09/2004 07:43:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I dunno. I mean, what are they gonna do? They have a policy, and I'm within the policy. But that doesn't mean they have to like it...

11/09/2004 07:46:00 PM  

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