Saturday, November 06, 2004

One week down....250 to go...

I finished up my first week at work.

We get up at 5:00 a.m. We shower (separately) and have breakfast. Little boy wakes up and gets ready for school. Maybe I can empty the dishwasher or throw in a load of laundry. We leave at 6:30. Next week, we will leave at 6:15, because I have to be at work by 7:30 a.m. The commute takes anywhere from 50 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on what incidents have transpired en route.

At work, I am learning how to use the different tools available for trouble-shooting. Additionally, I'm learning internal procedures for documenting our calls, and getting to know my colleagues. They seem like a nice group of people. I'm the old person among the analysts, though one of the leads is older than me. I will probably start taking calls while my trainer listens next week. The biggest challenge I see to the job will be multi-tasking. I don't know how many things my head can process at one time.

The routine is actually OK, because it is the same thing every single day. As long as I get to bed by 10:00 or so the night before, getting up at 5:00 is not so bad. I also don't mind the commute so much, since I'm driving with my best friend.

This has been a rough week for little boy. By the end of the day, he seems just worn out. He's fussy and irritable. I hope we can find what accomodations he will need to make it easier for him.

Today, we were going to see The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, but the movie isn't being released today - it's not "Only in Theatres" until November 19. So I think instead we will go see The Incredibles.

The Great Air Conditioning Nightmare has come back to haunt me. It got kind of chilly last night, but when DH tried to turn on the heat, it only blew heat. Strangely, the wires to the heating unit have been cut. We didn't cut them, and the heat worked fine last year, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Why would they have cut the wires without telling us? The Air Conditioning Guy, in his current guise of Heating Guy, will be here in about 15 minutes. I should go get dressed.


Blogger Phoebe said...

This made me tired. I'll bet weekends are going to be savored a lot more around your house.

11/07/2004 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey... have no fear about the multi-tasking! Just this one entry of yours shows that you will be good at it. Cooking breakfast, making sure your son gets ready for school on time, and loading the dishwasher, etc., all at the same time, sounds like multi-tasking to me. Anyone who has done the challenging work of being a wife and mother would be a natural.

I would imagine that there is also a natural flow and rhythm to this type of work that you will grasp in short order. And since many of the calls will be quite similar in nature, before the callers can even get out more than a few sentences, you will already know how to deal with the situation and what to do. With the oddball callers, a few probing questions will get you to where you need to be. As I'm sure you already know, being a good listener is they key. Before long it will be like riding a bicycle.... :)


11/09/2004 01:36:00 AM  

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