Thursday, October 13, 2005


The job is going well, lest you think I can do nothing but whine. The people are nice, the pay is good, and the work is interesting.

Co-owner Friend and I were talking about our little kids yesterday. I mentioned to him that Little Boy is about the same age as Older Son was when Co-owner taught Older Son how to make fart noises with his knee. I think it's about time to send little boy for lessons!


Blogger doug said...

Here's an essential skill for all little boys. With one end of a straw placed in the arm pit (arm closed around the tip) and the other end placed in the mouth (being careful not to bend the straw - parents you may need to adjust the length) blow into the straw and experience the magic.

10/14/2005 08:51:00 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Oooh - automated. I didn't know you could use knees. A gap in my education for sure.

10/14/2005 10:36:00 AM  

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