Friday, August 11, 2006

Do I write the same post every time I come to work in the office?

Every time I come to work in the office, I'm fried at the end of the day. Every single time.

I came in with about ten items ranked 9.9 on my to-do list. I completed a few more than that, and I have 15 left. I demoted some of my 9.9's to 9.8 just as a pragmatic matter.

I don't know how people who work with other people get anything done. Between the phones and the co-workers and the new to do's flying in...I'm wound so tight I can barely move my head.

I'm going home tomorrow.

My mom had a really good week. Her spontaneous speech is more varied than it used to be. She is still not able to take the ideas in her brain and turn them into speech. Gosh, I miss talking to my mom. Yeah, I know, there are other ways of communicating and stuff, but they aren't the same.


Blogger Phoebe said...

Thank goodness you know how to practice voodoo math.

8/11/2006 06:16:00 PM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

See, they like you! They really really like you! Why else would you get so much important stuff to do?

8/12/2006 05:26:00 PM  
Blogger Ms-Chievous said...

That's why I love my job. Instant gratification: Wipe the butt, the butt is clean.
On Mom's: I'm glad yours is doing better, and I'm SO jealous of those who have good relations with theirs.

8/13/2006 04:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often get told by my supervisor that I seem 'unapproachable' or like I don't like my job or am unhappy. The fact is, I have my own office at the front of our suite, and rarely leave it, even for lunch. I have WORK to do! Duh!

8/15/2006 07:57:00 AM  

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