Thursday, May 12, 2005


I seem to have traded one thing for another. On the Burns Depression Evaluation, I come up "borderline to mildly depressed" - a huge, huge improvement. However, on the Burns Anxiety Evaluation, I have progressed from "mild" to "moderate to severe" anxiety.

Most of the symptoms are physical. Muscle tension, shakiness, gastro-intestinal distress, headaches.

I'm pretty sure it's about money. If nothing goes wrong, we can be okay in five years. What do you suppose are the odds that nothing will go wrong for five years?

According to an old friend who is a psychologist, one facet of my interpersonal style is that I use time in the future. I want to know what's going to happen next. I'm not engaged in the here and now; I'm more attentive to what's coming. And even though we never know what's coming, we can sometimes tell from what's already happened. Perhaps that's why I'm so anxious. The past year and a half has been mostly bad. Really really bad. Maybe because things are OK now, I'm anxious because I keep expecting things to go back to "normal." And "normal" was, for quite a long while, very bad.

On the other hand, anxiety is also a common side effect of Wellbutrin. Anxious is better than depressed.


Blogger Stephen said...

What are the odds?

What is the definition? Odds are that things will be alright, in the long run, regardless...

5/15/2005 08:41:00 PM  
Blogger Randy said...

Heck, Ann, I have so much anxiety that I get anxious when I don't have something to be anxious about. And then I post something on my blog and get all anxious that it sounds stupid. I tell you, it's a vicious cycle!

5/15/2005 08:46:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Love the new pic, Randy.

For what it's worth, I got a good night's sleep Friday, and was much, much better Saturday. Now I get to start all over again tomorrow...but DH will be home late in the week, so I won't be single parenting any more.

I've been sort of humming Mel Brooks's "High Anxiety" all weekend, so it can't be TOO bad.

5/15/2005 11:42:00 PM  

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