Saturday, April 30, 2005


Ought I bother keeping this blog? I like writing here occasionally, but I don't want it to turn into one of those blogs where the only thing people write is "I'm so busy, I'm sorry I haven't posted much." Those blogs are lame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I enjoy reading when you do write. I feel like it lets me know your life a little better than what just gets posted on Bullletin boards about specific subjects. Of course I got interested in you because of the boards, but this adds more dimensions. I have a blog too, but don't post often. I actually have a goal this year to post at least once a month. Sometimes when I write an email or something else that is important to me or tells a lot about myself, I copy it and post it to the blog. I am at LiveJournal as Hopie33 if you ever want to read.

4/30/2005 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops that was me, Hope from the Foyer and the Fringe, etc....

4/30/2005 10:12:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

After I posted yesterday I decided that I really do have time to blog every day. Randy's blogs are short and sweet, and everybody loves his blogs. I can do that!

5/01/2005 02:13:00 PM  
Blogger Randy said...

Yeah, but you actually have stuff to say. I'm just an attention-ho.

5/02/2005 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither you nor your blog should ever be considered 'lame' by anyone with a speck of intelligence. You are introspective and fun.

5/06/2005 07:36:00 PM  

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