Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Mardi Gras 2006

Here is the case for Mardi Gras 2006.

Commenters: Please suggest three practical things I can do to help rebuild New Orleans. Bear in mind that I do not actually live in New Orleans, I am politically unconnected, I have a small family and a full-time job, and am completely helpless with construction kinds of tasks. My DH could actually do useful things. Vegas Joe would be a Habitat Bonanza down here. Me...I'm all thumbs, overweight, out of shape, and lazy.

Three things. Go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

get in touch with the group that restores the old cemetaries and help with the clean up. you love those places anyway.
be a tourist and go visit places like the zoo.
write letters to fema or congress insisting on some action that is actually helpfull.
write a short story and see if readers digest will publish it with your true story.

12/13/2005 10:38:00 PM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Push Mardi Gras - the city needs taxes to rebuild, business owners need tourists, servers and dishwashers need customers that come in and eat so paychecks will come, hotels need people staying in them so locals can be hired to clean the rooms and do all the things employees do.
For you:
1. Volunteer for Habitat (if it's in the city). You can at least do office stuff - organize people, mail letters, keep records. My wife mainly paints walls and was asked to do time in the office.
2. Help clean up - all I know is from news stories, but just keep your own street neat is a start.
3. Try to support places that are open - hit a restaurant, even if just for dessert, stop at coffee shop for a cup, hit a bar even if just for a coke. I know money is tight, but try.

12/14/2005 02:20:00 PM  
Blogger Phoebe said...

Write. You should write.

Probably reconstituting the wetlands would be a little out of your scope, huh?

12/14/2005 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

six of the streetcars began running again today ! they are using the old ones since the new ones were damaged. i like the old green ones better anyway.
go home and ride the street car down canal.

12/18/2005 01:52:00 PM  

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