Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hello, Visitors from Trap,No Trap

I've been linked by a blog that I like very much, but I don't link to it because I didn't want it tainted, y'know? I've told maybe one fellow blogger about it.

Well, the blog has been linked by by one of the "big kahuna" Mormon blogs and now it's getting tons of comments. And since I'm linked over there (not because I have anything profound or interesting to say, but because the blogger likes my links) some of those people have come over here.

Fair warning: I rarely write here about Mormon stuff; I save that for the group blogs and for the DAMU, where I post under an alias. If you're here to read about Mormon stuff, you're going to be disappointed. This is more of an "online journal" than a blog, though I do occasionally write about real issues, like why wearing short shorts in August in Southeastern Louisiana is not immodest; it's just common sense.

Y'all are welcome to stay if you see anything that interests you. If nothing else, you can get to Marginal Revolution from here, and I'm going to add a link on the side to a Religious Responses to Evolution page that I like very much. It has a bit about Mormons in it: the LDS church is classified as "neutral or ambivalent about evolution."


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