Saturday, February 26, 2005

Strange feeling

Yesterday morning, I dropped Little Boy off at school and headed for work. I felt strange. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

I felt happy.

Therapy Thursday night was very...therapeutic. Apparently, I am getting better. I am putting my life back together. It's a slow process, and it probably won't look the same as it did two years ago, but it's happening.

My therapist was very pleased with my attitude toward money stuff. We've run the numbers, we have a plan, and all we can do is work our plan as best we can and see if it will work. We can't do anything more than that. She said she was very pleased to see me have such a healthy perspective...that "we're doing everything we can, and we'll just have to see" is a very sound, sensible way of coping, and she thinks it shows great progress.


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