Thursday, June 03, 2004

Self congratulation (appropriate after yesterday's self-flagellation)

Type "writing in the corner" in a google search. Do not use quotation marks.

Notice hit #2. Ahem. That would be me.

My blog has shown up in links on on the bloggernacle (blogs by Mormons), about which I have mixed feelings. As most of y'all know, my relationship with the church is fraught with turmoil. The best way I've found to relate to the church is to relate to it as little as possible. I read a few Mormon blogs (linked to the right) that don't leave me with the urge to scream, "It's a lie! It's all a lie!" But I do comment on those blogs, and so I've been found, and linked, and now maybe the links to those few pages where I'm linked have increased my status on Google.

I write to be read. That's why I've asked my dear friends to be reserved in their use of language on my blog; so if my momma or husband want to read, they can. So I'm delighted by this most unexpected promotion. Last time I googled myself, I was on page three, and had to use quotation marks. This is very exciting to me. If I can be googled, I can be read!

The free version of StatCounter will track only 100 hits per day, and I'm exceeding that. Can anybody recommend a good (free) log analyzer that will do more than that?

Now, I'm going to go write Lynda, who I pointed to my blog and will figure out that I am writing here instead of to her, and will be miffed (rightly so!) if she doesn't hear something personal, but quick. Then I will start dinner.


Blogger Randy said...

Congratulations! Woo hoo! Ann's #1!

6/03/2004 06:17:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Use quotation marks, and you are #1.

6/04/2004 05:40:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Bloggernacle = Mormons who blog, often about Mormon stuff. The High Place of the Bloggernacle is Times & Seasons. I like Dave's Mormon Inquiry (linked at right) because it's so beautifully neutral.

6/07/2004 08:56:00 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I don't know if you are still monitoring this thread, but here is a free tracker:

It works well!

7/15/2004 03:40:00 PM  

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