Little Road Trip
I have been giving some thought to downsizing the last few weeks. In our case, downsizing doesn't necessarily mean saving money, but it would give us more leisure time together, instead of in the car. If we were to move to a place much smaller than our house in the 'burbs, but in the city, it would probably not cost a lot less than we are paying now. We would only need one car, but insurance would be a lot more. Property taxes might be less (that's a total crap-shoot in New Orleans) but we would probably have to pay for private school for the little boy, as the public schools are REALLY a crap-shoot.
If our lives are going to be centered in the city, though, it would be best to actually live there. I don't want to do anything, though, until I get my employment situation resolved. I'm going to aggressively address that when we get home.
Tying these two ideas together: my daughter's family is actually LARGER than mine (since my older son will be moving out in mid-August). Why do I need three times as much space as she does? Even with all the room I have, there's still not a place I can go sit in a chair and read a book without listening to the TV. If we're going to only use five rooms, why do we need nine?